Joy Realty Limited is committed to good corporate governance and in ensuring adequate
disclosures to our stakeholders. We believe that the governance process should be
such as to ensure proper utilization of resources in a manner intended to meet the
expectations of the shareholders. We believe in transparency, empowerment, accountability,
safety of people and environment and we lay emphasis on business ethics in all dealings.
We believe in meeting the obligations of all stakeholders, including amongst others,
shareholders, customers, employees and the community in which we operate. As part
of our corporate governance initiative, we have constituted following committees
to look into pertaining Corporate Governance matters.
The Audit Committee currently has:
Ms. Reeya Kothari (Independent Director) - Chairman
Mr. Poojan Mehta (Director & CFO) - Member
Their Responsibilities include:
Overseeing the Company's Financial Reporting process Reviewing Company's Financial
statements and pre-publication announcement before submission to the Board. Recommending
the appointment and removal of Statutory Auditors, Fixation of Audit fee Ensuring
Compliance of Internal Control System and action taken on Internal Audit Report
Holding periodical discussions with Statutory Auditors on the Concept and content
of Audit Reviewing the Company's Financial and Risk Management Polices Apprising
the Board on impact of accounting policies, accounting standards & legislation.
The Nomination & Remuneration Committee currently has:
Ms. Reeya Kothari (Independent Director) - Chairman
Mr. Poojan Mehta (Director & CFO) - Member
Mr. Kapil Jeetendra Kothari (Managing Director) - Member and
The Committees responsibilities include:
Determining on behalf of the Board, the companies policy on remuneration package
for Executive Directors including pension rights and compensation packages. Deciding
any other related matter.
The Stakeholders/ Investors Grievance Committee has been constituted to look into
investors complains like transfer of shares, non-receipt of declared dividends,
and take necessary steps for redressal thereof. The committee is a Board level committee
comprising of
Mr. Kapil Jeetendra Kothari (Managing Director) - Chairman
Ms. Reeya Kothari (Independent Director) - Member
Mr. Poojan Mehta (Director & CFO) - Member
The committee's responsibilities include:
Resolving all complains received from investors/ shareholders. Placing before the
Board status of all the complains received by the committees.
The Whistleblower policy is formulated to provide an opportunity to the employees
to access in good faith, the Proper officer of the Company in case they observe
any unethical and improper practice or behaviour or alleged wrongful conduct in
the company and to prohibit managerial person from taking prejudiced adverse personal
actions against such employee. The Company recognizes the value of transparency
and accountability in its management and administrative practices. Therefore it
is the policy of the company to encourage employees to disclose, through proper
channel, any unethical and improper practice or behaviour or wrongful conduct in
company, which if proven constitutes criminal offence or reasonable ground for appropriate
disciplinary action.